Using the Clients List

Reposite’s built-in “Clients List” feature is a handy tool for keeping track of clients and organizing their most important information in an easy-to-navigate index. Navigate to the Clients list using the left navigation in your Reposite Portal.

Adding a New Client

Step 1. Click on the Add Client button found in the top-right corner of the Client List window. A new menu appears on the right-hand side of your screen. 

Reposite planner account showing how clicking the Add Client button in the top right of the Clients page opens a new drawer

Step 2. Within this new menu, enter your client’s information into the corresponding text fields. 

  • Although the only required field is the client’s company name, it is strongly recommended that you fill out as much information as possible to keep a strong record of your client.

Step 3. Once your client’s information is added, click the Create Client button at the bottom of the menu to save the new client’s profile to your list. 

Adding Client Contacts

Reposite’s Clients List feature allows you to add specific contacts as part of a client’s profile. This may be useful when working closely specific personnel  from a client company to access easily for future use.

Step 1. Click on the name of the client who you would like to add a contact for. The client’s profile appears on the right-hand side of your screen.

Step 2. Within the client’s profile, click on the Contacts tab. 

Step 3. Click on the Add New Contact button. Another menu appears at the right-hand side of your screen.

In Reposite's Client drawer, click the contact tab on the far right and then click the green Add new contact button.

Step 4. Within this new menu, enter your contact’s information into the corresponding text fields.

  • Only a first name, last name, and email address are required to create a new client contact.

Create Client Contact Drawer including first and last name, and email address.

Add Client Files

Reposite’s Client List feature allows you to attach associated files with clients saved in your list. This is helpful for organizing important documents such as proposals, marketing materials, pricing quotes, and more.

Step 1. Click on the name of the client who you would like to add a file for. The client’s profile appears on the right-hand side of your screen.

Step 2. Within the client’s profile, click on the Files tab.

Step 3. Click on the box with a “+” and a dotted outline. A file brower appears.

Step 4. Use your file browser to select and upload your desired file. Refer to the screenshot below for an example of a successfully uploaded file on a client’s profile.

Editing or Deleting Client Information

If you need to update or remove information on a previously created client profile, follow the steps below. We only recommend doing this if you want to remove all records of this client and no longer have them in your Reposite database.

Step 1. Click on the name of the client who’s information you would like to update. The client’s profile appears on the right-hand side of your screen.

Step 2. Hover your mouse cursor over the client’s name at the top of their profile. Two new buttons appear next to the client’s name.

In the client drawer, hovering your mouse near the client's name towards the top will display the Edit and Delete icon buttons.

To Edit Client Information

Step 1. After hovering over the client’s name, click on the pencil icon next to the clients name. A new menu appears on the right-hand side of your screen.

Clicking the edit button in the client drawer allows you to edit that contact.

Step 2. Within this menu, update your client’s information by editing the corresponding text fields.

Step 3. To save your updated client information, click on the Update Client button found at the bottom of the menu.

Green button in the bottom left to Update Client edits

To Delete a Client Profile

Step 1. After hovering over the client’s name, click on the trashcan icon. A new window appears asking you to confirm deleting this client.

Clicking the trashcan icon will bring up a delete confirmation modal to remove the client profile.

Step 2. Click on OK within the new window to delete the client’s profile. This cannot be undone.

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